

“政府撥款遲遲不來 吉華K校籌款自救 - Saturday, July 14, 2007东方日报


华校沦落到如此田地。。。首要归功于我们充满礼让美德的领袖。礼让绝对是一种美德,比如“孔融让梨”就留芳万年。父母总是教我们“多一事不如少一事”,可是凡事都要有一定的底线,无理的礼让就会让我们变成“东亚病夫”!懦弱! 今天华校闹师荒,钱荒,地荒!这一切都是我们“礼让”带来的回报!马华你的颜面何在?



这个世界是有公平的,每个人都会为他的所作所为而付出代价。你们的偏袒,让你们丧失国际竞争能力。你们的过分扶持,让你们没有了独立的本事。一个不能竞争,不能独立的民族能期待明天吗? 醒醒吧!不要再发白日梦了,没有进步就是退步。一个封闭和小气的民族又如何能完善的完成2020宏愿?那只不过是一个口号吧了。看看那比槟城还小的新加坡吧!人家在国际社会的地位是何等的高。看看那小小的香港却是世界第三大的金融中心。喂!他们可都是“华人”本事!哪象你们那样封闭和无能!总是围绕着百份三十的股权大作文章!不怕告诉你,国家不进步,你们的生活水准也会下跌!换句话说:“贫穷与你们同在”。


2 条评论:

Unknown 说...

I totally agree with your statement, but on the other side I also disagree with your statement as well. It is a confuse sentence.
As I agree is due to, I am experiencing the same situation as like you. My husband needs to come to overseas to increase his standard of living. We need to come to overseas to fight for a better standard of living.

‘Why do you choose to come to UK?’ this question is always appearing in front of me. I need to answer this question whenever I meet a friend back to Malaysia. The comment and polite answer is: I would like to gain a better experience, better future. Truly speaking, I cannot earn a standard life in Malaysia, so I need to leave my family back in Malaysia to come so far to London.

I am so unhappy with my country and government policy. No moving, no development, and no future. I just felt that where my income tax payment does has gone? Why our country’s economy so weak? Why is our country currency so low?

There was one day, my x-partner (Malay partner) from Malaysia flu to UK. They hold a gathering dinner to invite all x-kpmg. The purpose was to promote KPMG (KL), and to encourage us to back to Malaysia to serve Malaysia.

During the dinner, my partner highly recommended the advantage of KPMG, the benefits of working in Malaysia. They tried to compare Malaysia with Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. They described those countries are under developed and they are just like 60’s Malaysia. We should appreciate what we have in Malaysia now.

I really very shocked with the above conversation. In order for us to grow and develop, we definitely need to compare with a stronger country. We are a developing country, we should compare to a higher status country. And it is not walking backward by comparing to under-developed country.

I feel depress with Malaysia, but on the other side, if there is no Malaysia, there is no me. Malaysia = Tanahairku. The place where I grow up, where I gain my first education, where I experience my childhood and bla bla bla………. My family is back in Malaysia, I really miss them there.

Sometimes, I think back if my grandparent didn’t escape from China to Malaysia. What will be my conclusion? Will I be enjoying the same thing as what I gain in Malaysia? I appreciate what I have experienced in Malaysia. I will definitely go back to Malaysia.
Even though I was granted as second citizenship in Malaysia, but I think there is much more thing which is more important than this, as like my family, and friends.

Confusion always happens in our life. Money and family, what will you choose????

Cloudie 说...

This music video in YouTube really make me remember Malaysia is such a unique country which produce unique people.

Being the only Malaysian in the community, sometimes it is very hard to explain my identity, people always asking "where are u from"? follow by "what's ur first language?" when i answer, "my first language is chinese", they always can't understand. somehow feel 'lonely'. and this music video really warmed my heart and make me laugh :)

I still love Malaysia.