

3个星期前当我想打开我自己的博客时,不幸的恶运降临到我身上。。。我的博客被“Block”啦!不明白真的不明白,为何博客会招到封杀。怎么办?难道我以后再也不能写和看别人的博客?不知我的网上相片有没有受影响,于是我急忙开我的“Klickr”(相片网站) ,有一种很不好的预感突然从我的心里冒出,不幸的事最终还是发生了,“Klickr”也被封杀了。好不容易才开始了我的博客,眼巴巴的看着它离我而去。那种心情真的令我很难受。终于深深地体会了这句名言“失去了才懂得珍惜”。活在一个新闻不自由的国家才深深地体会新闻自由的重要性。那种感觉就好像连基本的发言权都被剥夺了。好比如“哑巴吃黄连,有苦自己知”。

前几天遇到一位朋友,谈起了我的悲惨遭遇。他笑笑地对我说难道马来西亚会比这里好吗?也只不过是“五十步笑百步”罢了。当头一句棒喝打醒了我这一直沉睡的“爱国公民”。打压言论自由的情景一幕幕浮现在我的脑海。。。蒙古女郎被杀案。。。谁是真元凶?有人说是第二把交椅。。。传媒敢讨论吗?要是真的讨论,我看就会有人被逼辞职和公开道歉。。。再严重一点还会收到 “ISA”的请帖。东方日报报道:“林冠英喊不公平,電視台禁播反對黨新聞”(27/6/07),这还有天理吗?还有当权者的有多少个是洁身自爱的呢?又有多少个跟“社团”是有瓜葛?大耳窿猖狂?白痴的都会知道背后的大靠山是谁啦。传媒敢报道吗?还记的某某电台的名嘴,只应讨论了一个人人都知道的事实课题“警察贪污”,就这样的“殉职”了。我想最近的“十万火急”签名运动如果改为“警察贪污”肯定“票房”一定远远超出《十万火急》。


后语:所谓道高一尺,魔高一丈。我总算找到方法打开我的“博客和Flickr”。 换句话说我又能在网上分享我的人生。呵呵!

2 条评论:

Rebek 说...
Rebek 说...

What you say is reasonable. Freedom of speech is important. I guess the reason why we, most of the Malaysias dunno how to ask questions, dunno how to think is because we are so used to be told what should be said and what should not. And I am wondering if it is reasonable to say that we, the Malaysian, especially Chinese, have been so used to tolerating,to not seeing improvements and in a sense we sometimes give up complaining or trying to change things, we are used to accepting the situation.

Here in the residence, I started to see how people take actions, taking responsibility. example, the wireless internet is not working, the fridge is not enough for 60 persons. A person started to call every residents for meeting, and started to form a commission in order to meet the officials of the University to complain and ask for things to be fixed.
I also see my roomate, not happy with the room because the table is too small, and no wireless signal is bad. She complained, but not allowed to change table, internet still the same. Fed up, she moved out. Another german, she's always complaining when something is broken so that it will be fixed asap. She's complaining that the cleaning lady should not enter our rooms because we pay the rent and it is out private space. She's complaining that the cleaning ladies should not touch her laundy in the washing machine.
Ok, table, i didn't complain because i was happy enough that there's a table, better than nothing.
ok, internet, everybody complain, and i'm sure someone will go and see the officials, so i didn't do anything.
ok, the things are broken, i didn't complain, because someday it will be fixed. just like the toilets in faculty in UM, whole year still the same, even if we have the student representative, nothing is fixed, so it's normal.
ok, the cleaning ladies, i didn't complain if they enter my room, because it's in the contract (i know later), and in the residence of UM, even the officials can come and spot check, so no privacy is normal.

the "exit" signboard was stolen, nobody know who stole, but all the residents were forced to pay 40 cents for the new one. Many people disagree, because they said why should we pay for not stealing? Some people insisted they will not pay. Some went to complain to chancelary. the majority and I paid, because i thought it is just 40 cents, better than they take 3 euros from our deposit.

I know my attitude is so 'tidak-apa', in a way, i blame the way i was being brought up in Malaysia, in another way, i blame myself for not having the courage and the sensitivity, not having the understanding of our human rights and politics.
what say u?